Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Potty Training Week 1 Days 4 & 5

Two more good days of potty training again no accidents. Taylor does try and help by emptying the potty and sometimes spills it but other than that she has been very successful. Today she did have her first poop on the potty which is good because I was beginning to think she was constipated. She has been very grumpy and not wanting to go on the potty much any more but still no accidents so we are trying not to pressure her.
On another note I went to the doctor today who confirmed I do in fact have sciatica. But I found a new natural drug which is safe to use according to the doctor and is good for so many things. Anyone who has any ailments of any sort should check out emu oil on the net. You can use it for pretty much anything that would bother a person.

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