Saturday, September 23, 2006

Bad Day For Taylor Worse For Daddy

Today being Saturday I got to go and play darts. I got a message from Fabian that Taylor had fallen off this stupid step stool that we have for her so she can wash her hands and brush her teeth. She loves this steep stool it has to go everywhere with her if she can convince me or daddy to let her have it. She usually doesn't get away with it with me, but she's a daddies girl. Daddy feels absolutely horrible about the whole thing I just keep reassuring him it could have happened to anyone. Anyway I had a gut feeling he should take her to the hospital. And they gave her any x-ray, it wasn't broken but it did have a kink in the bone. The doctor did say it was fractured but not broken (beats me). So she didn't need a cast unless we wanted to prevent her from potentially bumping it and hurting it even more. She was in a lot of pain and as soon as the cast went on it seemed to not hurt her any more. And she loved getting it put on because it looks like a sock which we pretend are puppets. Which she loves. And its bright pink. It only has to be on fro 2 weeks, so that's a good thing. We'll get some pictures and post later.

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