Thursday, September 14, 2006

potty training day 6

I never thought this process would be as slow as it is I knew it would be hard work but never thought this hard. I want to give up but I have still been consistent and I haven't lost my temper with her either. I don't know if this will work but I brought out one of the small potty's and closed the bedroom doors so she only has access to the living room and the play room make it easier to find pee if she does have an accident. If this proves to be successful I will put the other potty in our bedroom where she watches most of her cartoons. This way hopefully if she has to go in between the timed intervals maybe she will. I HOPE SHE WILL. I'm going to keep my fingers crossed hopefully this next week will be a little easier with access to more than one potty.
Her sleeping is way out of whack to I have no idea why so many changes its hard to pin point what it may be. Fabian has been working so much I think she misses her one on one time with him. Or maybe its cause we changed her room around so she has time to get use to it before Eastynn comes. Or it maybe the potty training I have no idea. It maybe she's just out growing her naps. Who knows. She is going to stay up till she falls asleep tonight I'm not putting her to bed. Hopefully that way she'll sleep in and we can skip the afternoon nap and put her down at a normal time tomorrow night. Hopefully that will fix that.

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