Monday, September 04, 2006

Feeling Better

Taylor is finally feeling better, we just finishes the last of her medicine this afternoon. Its kind of funny how you make your kids take there medicine till its all gone but I know for myself I don't ever do that. She is eating like a pig again last night she ate mashed potatoes one very healthy scoop, three large pieces of roast beef and half a yorkshire pudding. Not to mention she just about beat grandpa doing it. CRAZY. She is still whining an awful lot but I think her sleeping schedule still needs a little more time to get back on track.
that's all about Taylor.

1 comment:

Live your Dream Team said...

Grandpa's still making amazing roast beef dinners on Sunday night? Yum Yum!! I don't blame Taylor for eating so much, I would've too!! Glad she's feeling better!