Saturday, December 09, 2006

Overdue day 4

Well you guessed it still no baby. Which I guess if fine I'm getting use to her waiting. She's like her daddy when he gets ready in the morning they both take there time. I'm hoping she doesn't come now for at least the next 30 hours or so. Fabian has a dart tournament tomorrow and its geared towards new players so he has a very good chance at winning it. As well all the money raised goes towards the women's shelter here, a good cause right before Christmas.
So hopefully she will be ready to come out near the end of the dart tournament or afterwards. Monday would be Eastynn's great uncle shane's birthday so that would be an ok day for her to come. I just hope its not Wednesday the doctor on that day I don't like and its the 13th. I don't want Eastynn to have her birthday on a Friday the 13th.
Will post again tomorrow.

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