Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Christmas With The Huber's

On Christmas Eve we celebrated Christmas with the Huber family at Daniel's and his girlfriend Linda's place. And boy did Taylor and Eastynn get spolied. They got so much stuff from everyone I can't even mention it all.
We had a wonderful supper that I'm sure Linda slaved over all day, it tasted that way anyway.
Taylor had a blast playing with her new toys, with Calvin and Brooklynn's dog and with Murtle the Turtle.
Again Eastynn and I didn't stay very long, but from what I hear Taylor had a blast with Grandma.
Just want to Thank Eva and Brian, Daniel and Linda, and Calvin and Brooklynn for a good Christmas. And like I said in the previous post the next visit should be a lot less stressful.
The pic of the family posted here is pretty bad but what can you do.

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