Friday, December 15, 2006

Here's The Low Down On The Induction

This morning we went in to be induced. Yesterday I was not dilated or effaced and this morning the doctor said I was a little effaced, I think.
They hooked me up to some monitors and to our surprise there were a few contractions. But they still induced me and that was a little before 8 am. The doctor said it usually takes 6-8 hours to go into active labor. The hooked me back up to some monitors. To see how the gel was working I had one decent contraction in that one hour. But it is starting to work now my contractions are about 10-15 minutes apart but very bearable. So we go back either when I'm in labor. Or we go back tomorrow afternoon some time so they can do another non stress test. That's where they hook you up to the monitors to see the baby's fetal movement and heartbeat. And apparently and unfortunately if this induction doesn't work we have to wait till Monday to be induced again. I'm not sure what measures they will go to because they will not let me go past Monday, but hopefully we won't have to find out.

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