Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Christmas With The Mellor's And Chisholm's

So Christmas morning was later than I expected everyone slept in later than usually. Most happy about this was me cause since Eastynn was born I hadn't got more than 2 hours of sleep.
We all opened our presents and again the girls got spoiled by grandma and grandpa and uncle Jason.
We all ate breakfast and showered and headed up to the Chisholm Christmas. The first car ride that Eastynn did not scream the entire way. Both girls were asleep when we arrived. Taylor slept for 2 and a half to 3 hours. And Eastynn I think was up less than an hour the entire day. Both of the girls were so well behaved they made me look like a very good mom. LOL.
Well I think all 4 of us got spoiled at Velvet's place but once again the girls were spoiled rotten. I can't believe how much our van can hold. I think its just about as big as our house. Fabian made at least 6 trips to bring everything in the house.
Supper was fantastic so much food I couldn't even try it all. Didn't get a chance to play any games but Catch Phrase was played and sounded like a good time. Poker was played a little while later and Fabian won the first round and by the time we left Grandma Chisholm was in the lead.
Just about all the Chisholm family was there the only two that were missing were Cindy's boys Adam and Aaron, but we got a family picture done with everyone which ended up being 30 possibly more. It was the first time in years we had a lot of these people here like Jason, he hasn't made it home for Christmas in about 5 years so it was nice for my mom.
Velvet was a fantastic host this year. Thanks

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