Thursday, December 14, 2006

Finally Their Going To Induce Me

We just got back from the doctors and they are finally going to induce me after 41 weeks and 2 days. All the nurses and the doctor were all quite confused on why I haven't been induced yet. But it was due to the doctor getting called away in a hurry last week, she had to run and said we'd discuss it at this doctors appointment. I don't think she realized how far overdue that would make me.
This will be in detail just to warn you all. The doctor did an internal exam today and said that my cervix was still closed. So what's going to happen tomorrow is.
1. We will get up at probably 6:00 am and get ready and take Taylor to my mom's place.
2. We have to be at the hospital to be admitted at 7:20.
3. Go to Labor and Delivery.
4. They will monitor me for an hour.
5. They are going to put some gel in me to thin out my cervix.
6. Then they will make me walk around for awhile.
7. Then they will monitor me for another hour.
8. Then they will send me home till contractions start if contractions haven't started by then.
9. Hopefully by the end of the day we will have a new baby.
Now if all this doesn't take they are going to try it again on Saturday.
So definitely by Sunday Eastynn will be here. I think they will pull out all stops between now and Sunday. Cause once you hit a certain stage in pregnancy you amniotic fluid starts to decrease which can be harmful to the baby.
I hope I explained good enough but if you have any question give us a call.

1 comment:

Live your Dream Team said...

Good luck Nikki - I'm glad that Eastynn will finally be making her appearance!! We will be thinking of you, and we look forward to getting the big news and some pics when you get a chance!! Love you!