Yesterday I decided that, after being told from numerous people, I needed to cut back the girls liquid in take. After lots of research I found out 2 cups of milk a day and 2 cups of juice a day is really all that someone her age should be drinking. So we are only giving them juice and milk during meals and snacks, we offer them water during the rest of the day but they don't really drink it. I changed Eastynn's diaper and that is when I noticed the difference not only is her diaper not hanging down to her knees but her tummy wasn't sticking out like a little beer belly. And the biggest difference of all was today at lunch my little munchkin ate like a champ. So hopefully the lack of juice and milk will help her put on a few extra pounds. I tried on these little skirts Uncle Jay bought for her for Christmas last year and one was 9-12 and the other 2 were 12-18 she still doesn't even fit into the 9-12 month one and she will be 2 in less than a month. So I am hoping this will be the start of my little one putting on the pounds.
That's all for now.
Thursday, November 27, 2008
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1 comment:
thanks for the guidelines on how much the kidlets should be drinking. I am trying to cut back Landon's juice intake, after we were giving him so much when he was sick for so long! Now he wants to drink YOP (yuck!) all the time ... so he's not drinking as much juice now *shrug* And always milk with meals...
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