Thursday, November 20, 2008

Christmas Tree

On Monday we finally bought our own Christmas tree and our own ornaments. Don't get me wrong I love the ornaments I grew up with but honestly I like them at my mom and dads place, that's where my childhood memories belong in the house i grew up in. I really hope we are giving the girls some fun childhood memories especially at this time of year.

So we set the tree up on Monday when we got it man it makes our house look itty bitty tiny, but its worth it. The tree its self was $180 but it is pre lit so no fooling around with lights ever year. Yippee I remember waiting for mom and dad to get them just perfect and now they just are. The tree also has a remote the lights can be colored, just white or both together I like the just white but Taylor likes the colors. The ornaments are basically the same colors as our wedding but instead of white and blue its silver and blue very pretty. We let the girls do most of the decorations so if the pics look funny its not my fault.

The girls have been a lot of fun lately Taylor is big time into Christmas the night we put up the tree, she woke up about 3am and came and asked me why Santa hadn't come yet. I was thinking we put it up to early maybe but oh well, it is the best time of year why not extend it a little.
Eastynn is starting to actually do a lot more talking and a little less babbling or maybe I am just able to pick it up now. The other day in the tub she grabs my finger and looked at me and said "Aww your cute." She says that lots now. She seems a lot happier now that we can pick up what she is saying now. I also think she is ready for potty training although I am not yet so we'll leave it for a bit she still has some pretty heavy diapers after naps but other than that she is ready

That's all for now.

1 comment:

Live your Dream Team said...

Ready for potty- training!! Man girls are a LOT earlier than boys than (well, Eastynn a lot earlier than Landon!!).
It's awesome that you put up your tree. Landon just asked for us to put ours up this morning (not sure where he got the idea) ... I'm holding off until the carpeting is in the basement so we can move toys down there first :-) Dec 6 is Xmas tree day at our house. I love the prelit tree (we got one 2 years ago) ... no more messing with lights :-D