Thursday, November 06, 2008

Not The Best Week.

So Taylor was sick on Sunday. Eastynn was sick on Monday although she still has the runs. Then Tuesday my dad was having chest pains so he went to the hospital. They did some blood work, a chest xray, and also a CAT scan. The did unfortunately find a spot on his lung, we are now awaiting a lung biopsy. We think the spot maybe a blood clot or it could be a scar tissue from when they used paddles on him to restart his heart in 2003. He is in good spirits though, he does I think have a slight flu, he got sick yesterday. Now today both my mom and are sick her more so than me although she has ate more than I have so who knows. I am trying to move slow and as little as possible. Hopefully I will feel better tomorrow as I have another dentist appointment in the afternoon.
That's all for now.

1 comment:

Live your Dream Team said...

ah man, the flu bug hit here too :-( YUCK! I woke up Wed am at 2:45 and was sick until after 6, then Landon woke up and was sick all yesterday, last night, and still this morning! YUCKY! Thankfully John and Arlan have so far avoided it ... hopefully Arlan doesn't get it at all. I made John stay home from work yesterday as I couldn't get out of bed. But we're on the mend, I hope.