Saturday, November 29, 2008

Weekend in far

So yesterday we decided to come to Sask. it is such a long drive but within minutes of getting here it is all worth it. We get to leave all our worries behind us at home. The girls absolutely love being here and also its also like a break for me and Fabian as Grandma and Grandpa Huber keep them very occupied when we are here.
We came out here in hopes to surprise Auntie Brooklynn and baby Luke for their baby shower. I am still not sure we pulled it off apparently I had a slip here and there but oh well, I got to see my gorgeous new nephew he is prefect in every way. A lot of other people seem to think the same way he got so spoiled.
We are suppose to see them again tomorrow and hopefully we can go see them at there place in Regina on Monday for awhile.
That's all for now

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