Friday, November 07, 2008

Update on Grandpa

I just talked to my dad and here is the update.
He doesn't think he will be getting out today but he thinks he will get a day pass for tomorrow.
As far as the spot on his lung goes they are going to forgo the lung biopsy for the time being and do another chest xray and cat scan in 6 months if the spot if any bigger then they will look into it. To me this is a good sign (mom was concerned) but if they are willing to leave it they must not be terribly concerned at the moment.
Now as for his heart. They are going to do a stress test (Cardio stress test is commonly meant to check the condition of heart and it is done on heart patients and others suspecting the disease to see effect of stress on heart due to exercises.) Then they are also sending him to Calgary for a angiogram. An angiogram is an X-ray test that uses a special dye and camera (fluoroscopy) to take pictures of the blood flow in an artery (such as the aorta) or a vein (such as the vena cava).

He is on 4W in room 240 if anyone would like to visit.
That's all for now

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