Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Taylor's First Day At Speech

So yesterday was Taylor's first day at speech. She did really well mommy is so so proud of her.
We got there and she played very well in the waiting room she loved all the toys especially the shishy (fishy). I also saw the pamphlet that Taylor was on the front of there. I showed her and told her it was her but she never believed me.
Once we got in there it was pretty emotional for mommy I think Taylor was fine though. I was getting upset that she wouldn't give my baby a break she was being so so persistant I thought Taylor would feel bad cause she couldn't get it and her being as sensitive as she is I could see it. Then out of the blue she'd get it and then I wanted to cry cause I was so proud of her.
She was very proud of herself and she has been saying her f sounding words lots. She is very gun ho about it all, which is awesome cause then she will be easier to understand and I think she'll be more confident.

Yesterday I also had a dentist appointment just to get my mouthguard for my grinding/clenching I wore it last night without to much trouble I do hope it gets easier though. I also hope it works good so that we can save money on Tylenol.

That's all for now

1 comment:

Live your Dream Team said...

Don't worry, you'll get so used to that mouthguard that on any nights that you forget it, you'll wake up to regret not wearing it!!
Congrats to Taylor on the speech thing :-) Keep it up :-D