Sunday, June 01, 2008


This weekend was not only the Relay For Life but also Spectrum. Eastynn is still not old enough to enjoy it as you can see by the photo. Taylor on the other hand can't get enough of it. Although the poor girl gets way to overly stimulated and can't handle it. She had lots of little break downs but overall she did very well. She went on the blow up jumpers this year she even went on the motorbikes (power wheel ones), she also went on the power wheel jeeps and the ferris wheel. We met up with Taylor's little buddy Nathan and his brother Jacob and his grandma and dad, it was pretty fun. But the weekend is finally over. And now I am a week away from something that 4 years ago was just a dream. Nationals are within reach and I hope I can help Alberta bring back the gold. I will keep everyone updated through here how I am doing at Nationals while hopefully Fabian will keep you all updated on how the girls are doing in Saskatchewan with Grandma and Grandpa Huber.
That's all for now

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