Monday, June 16, 2008

The Nodor Cup

The Nordor Cup is a very interesting event. Its the most fun and intense.
What we did is took the top 7 players from our team and our first round was against Manitoba. We played best of 3 against them all. 7 of us played there 7 at the same time 4 wins over all takes you to the next round. I was the first player done with a win and as it turns out we had a clean sweep over Manitoba. Then we played Quebec but we were not so lucky. Again I was the first one down but this time with a lose not a win. By the time the last player on her final game it was 3 and 3 so all the pressure were on the 2 players thank goodness it wasn't me. Anyway Quebec beat us that round and that was it for the Nordor Cup the men did a lot better than the women they finished 2nd overall which was really nice.
That's all for now

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