Monday, June 16, 2008

Day 2 Nationals

Well what was I thinking now I have to go back and try and remember how that overwhelming week went.
Day 2 at the Nationals was ladies singles. We had 11 teams in our section one from almost every province and one from NWT. Anyway 11 teams in our section top 4 make it out of there section. I played really well in section I lost to Nova Scotia, Quebec, Ontario, and I honestly don't remember the 4th one I lost to although I know I was mad about it so I probably shouldn't have lost.
Then comes knock out and first round I get Quebec I was shaking Quebec and Ontario are 2 of the strongest teams. We played best of 5 and I beat her 3 straight I couldn't believe how well I played.
Next round I get Ontario (see previous paragraph yep one of the strongest teams). I won the fist leg (game) she won the next 2 so I had to win the next one or game over. She had a huge lead on me but thank god she crumbled under the pressure and gave me a shot at the double and I hit it. So fifth and final leg we had to shot at the bull to see who goes first and we tied so we had to do it again and I won. So I start off the last game of 501 with a 180 then 100 and 80something so I had a substantial lead on her and by this time I has all of team Alberta and Ontario watching. And about another 100 people from other provinces it was very intense.
So going into the quarter finals I come up against Patricia Farrell one of the top players in Canada for many many years. She wins the first 2 legs I sneak back and grab the third one but lose the 4th which is game over for me for the day.
It was such an amazing day I way exceeded all of my expectations which was a good feeling. I also went the furthest out of all the Alberta players which was really nice too. And to see and hear all the comments about a rookie doing so well on her first year and the fact they can't believe I have never been there was so cool.
That's all for now

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