Tuesday, June 24, 2008

All A Little Sick Lately

Since we have all got home we have all been a little sick. :(
I came home sick just with a head cold and it got much much worse since then. I have had a much more intense head cold and a very sore throat, it kept in in bed most of Sunday.
Taylor was not feeling to hot on Friday complaining of a sore tummy. Then Saturday I took her temperature and it was a 104.7F/40.39C fortunately it broke with just a little bit of Advil. She has been pretty good ever since.
Fabian has a touch of something too. He has a slight cold or else he isn't showing it as much as the rest of us. Last night his stomach was bothering him a little too.
As for Little E. She has just started to come down with something I believe she has a sore throat she didn't eat much this morning. Her temperature right now is 104.3F/40.18C a bit high. I'm hoping it comes down her with some Advil and some Tylenol. I would take them to the hospital but all they usually do there is double the dose of Advil and send them home so I will just monitor her here at home and if it gets much higher then I will take in.
I sure hope we all start feeling better soon.
That's all for now.

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