Monday, December 08, 2008

Snow Fun

Today since we finally got snow I and since the girls now both have snow pants I sucked it up and took them outside to play. We only were outside for about 45 minutes but long enough when it is -10. Not much to do though. The snow wasn't sticky enough to make a snowman or snowballs so that was out although we threw snow at each other and made some snow angels. It was fun nonetheless. Eastynn this morning hated the snow she wouldn't walk through it at all and when we got to the van the little bit that was on her boots made her cry. It was quite funny I was scared we were going to have a child scared of snow that would have been horrible.
That's all for now

1 comment:

Live your Dream Team said...

Landon has always hated the snow too - hated walking through it, didn't want any on him ever. But yesterday finally he realized that snow can be fun. We were out again today, and he enjoyed it again -- just walking through it was fun for him (thank goodness)