Tuesday, December 23, 2008

2 Year Check Up

Yesterday morning we went to the doctor for Eastynn's 2 year check up and she was not in the mood what so ever for our doctor to even be looking at her. That's my girl. She fought him every step of the way thankfully he is a paitent man. He was really quick. He mentioned that she had a bad ear infection which shocked both Fabian and I. She has been unusually happy lately. He also mentioned that she is cutting teeth, which we did know.
They took her measurements she is 22lbs, same as her when she had her needles in Sept. in Sept she was a mere 2'5" and now she is an outstanding 2'8". :) She is growing they do say if you take there height they are at 2 you will get there height as an adult so she will be taller than Auntie Brooklynn ok and maybe mommy too.
That's all for now.

1 comment:

Live your Dream Team said...

I remember in the spring taking Landon to the doc because there was fluid coming out of his ear in the am. Turns out he had an ear infection that had burst his eardrum (!!) and we didn't know it at all! Weird how that happens...

Glad she's a growing gal - I always find it relieving to go to the docs and find they've grown.