Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Santa Photos

Today we finally made it to see Santa. We not only went to see one santa we got to see 2 of them. We seen the one at the mall I was a little nervous that Eastynn would not sit on Santa's lap, BOY did she prove me wrong she got right up there and gave huge smiles and even "talked" to him. She was so excited to see him she can even say Santa. Taylor of course actually talked to Santa and told him that she wants a swimming baby. She said that Eastynn wants a swimming baby as well.
Then we went to outside Santa his house always looks so amazing he decorates to the nine's every year. This is the Santa that when he is not working and it is nice outside he golf's with Papa Mellor. It is awesome to see this Santa. Santa talked both girls here and they both really enjoyed it.
That's all for now.

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