Tuesday, August 05, 2008

Aug Long Sask 2008

On Thursday we went to Sask, we didn't leave till late hoping the girls would sleep all the way there and stay asleep once we got there. It was not the case, Eastynn did not fall asleep till 10ish and Taylor fell asleep around 12. Then once we got to Grandma and Grandpa Hubers of course they woke up and had to play for a hour or so.
The next morning we went down to the camp site set up the tent and had some fun. Taylor really enjoyed hanging out with all the boys Rylan and Conner. I think she especially liked Connor although her and Connor are only a few weeks apart. Eastynn really enjoyed playing with Justin.
Saturday was a fun day Taylor got to go fishing with Papa, Calvin, and Daddy. Once she came back another little boy Parker was there too. We had a little birthday party for Taylor which she really loved. The boys were all relieved that this year it wasn't a princess cake. The kids all played so hard on Saturday I think it took each and every one of them about 5 minutes to fall asleep.
Sunday was probably the nicest most easy going yet fun day. The kids as usual played hard all day we hardly saw Taylor all weekend. It was nice though cause we had lots of visitors and another little girl that Taylor could play with a nice little break from such boy play for her. The kids again went to bed very well and us adults just had a good time chatting over a few drinks.
Monday we packed up which was again easy cause the kids were playing really hard we left at 7 again and this time it worked for us the girls slept all the way home and then once we got home they slept till this morning.

That's all for now

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