Saturday, August 09, 2008

Eastynn's First Time Out

The girls have been very good at not listening or obeying me or Fabian lately. So today I gave Eastynn a little task to do that I knew she was more than capable of doing and the answer was NO. Her favorite word right next to the word MINE. I asked her again with the same answer. So I thought well its not fair that she can get away with not doing anything and Taylor always has to clean up her toys so that was that she got her little 2 minute time out. I have not even been really looked at by her since the incident but oh well. We are having issues with Taylor and I think if we would have started discipling her at a younger age we would have been better off.
Although I think it is just a bad day for everyone in this house.
I will try to post again tomorrow evening with some pictures of Taylor's birthday party. We are going to have some supper and then we are going out for awhile this evening need to get some things for around the house and for the party tomorrow.
That's all for now.

1 comment:

Live your Dream Team said...

oh Nikki...I feel for you & the lovely no's! we get that lots too -- I can't imagine with two (although I'll live it soon enough). stick to your guns...the kids are probably just settling back into a routine after travelling - and remember the move to a big girl bed is a big deal too :-)