Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Swimming Lessons

Taylor also started swimming lessons on Tuesday the first 2 days were great they played around maybe went under the water a couple times that was it. Then day 3 all went out the door when they put Taylor in a life jacket and made her go in the deep end. I seen it coming a mile away. As soon as they put on a life jacket I knew she was going to have a fit, little did I realize it would carry on for 40 minutes well after the class was over. Friday was bad she was still traumatized from the day before. But as soon as Tuesday class she was GREAT I think cause grandma and grandpa Mellor came and watched. That totally made her day. She did so great I was really proud of her and today she did even better. I was getting scared that she was going to be scared of the water.
That's all for now

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