Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Worse Before Better.

So today was the first day of Taylor and Eastynn getting dispilned for there bad behavior. What a long day. Taylor so far has had 3 time outs. But the plan is a time out for whining and time outs for not listening. So basically if she doesn't do what I say she isn't listening. She gets 15 minutes at supper and lunch to eat and if she doesn't she is free to go if she does eat then she gets a treat. I also started setting the timer when it comes time for clean up. I am not focusing on the toy room as of now but they have 15 minutes to pick up there toys if its not done those toys go away and they can either earn them back with good behavior or by eating and at the end of the week I will give them back. Who knows how that will work.
Someone told me it will get worse before it gets better and wow were they right. I hope it all works out because her attitude and whining are getting a little extreme.
That's all for now

1 comment:

Live your Dream Team said...

I feel for you ... stick to your guns! Landon's a whiner-pants extraordinaire these days, just about sends me around the bend!! We've had to give him a few time-outs too, mostly as a way to help him to calm down from tantrums vs as punishment. It's at those moments that I look at Arlan's smiling little face and am thankful he's still sooooo little!!