Thursday, August 07, 2008

Eating Has Taken A Turn For The Better

I can't believe the difference in Taylor's eating. We use to have a fight with her at breakfast (not to terrible), lunch and supper were so stressful though. I came up with the idea that I should set a timer for 15 minutes. This way if she finishes before the 15 minutes is up she is free to leave the table if not in a sense she is getting a time out. It has worked fantastically the last few days by her eating all of her meals I love it.
Eastynn on the other hand is usually in her chair for the full 15 minutes although it doesn't bother her all that much.
Eastynn is doing well in her big girl bed it takes a little longer for her to fall asleep but all in all she is doing very well. Taylor is doing really well in her big girl bed too. She use to get in and out of bed but consider her big sister duties are a lot bigger now she is doing well. I tell her she needs to stay in bed to show her little sister how a good big girl sleeps in her own bed.
Eastynn's vocabulary is growing daily and I love it I was thinking she was a little slow in the talking department but if you listen closely you can pick up what she is saying. Taylor is getting so smart too, she said to us on the way home is that a quarter moon? We were both shocked and amazed as well as dumb founded I have no idea where she picked that up but I am loving how smart my little girls are becoming.
That's all for now

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