Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Getting Ready For Aug Long

So tomorrow I will spend most of my day getting ready for our big yearly trip to Saskatchewan. We only go to Sask. twice a year but I truly enjoy this one (not that I don't enjoy Christmas) the roads are a lot safer than in December and the girls have tons of kids to play with. I was thinking this year we are going to have our hands full. Last year there was 7-8 kids depending on the day and 3 of those kids weren't mobile this year there is going to be 12 kids again 3 not mobile kind of a scary thought. But what is scarier next year there will be at least 13 with only one not mobile. WOW
So Fabian is going to work and I will be packing and entertaining the little ones. Once he gets home hopefully all we will have to do is load the van and take off. We need to make a stop or 2 on our way out but hopefully that won't waste a lot of time. And I am hoping the girls do bug us for a couple hours but fall asleep around 8 or 9 then it will be a nice drive out there and we will have some good solid time out at the lake.
I hope the weather is nice as this year we are going to sleep in a tent instead of going back into town every night, this way the girls get to hang out with the kids every night.
I'm not sure I will get to post while we are out there but I will post once I get home with some pictures too.
That's all for now

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