Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Monday in Calgary

Yesterday we went to Calgary for Fabian's 1 year check up and I am glad to report he is still cancer free.
Me and the girls did some shopping while Fabian was at his doctors appointment, I wish I could have been there with him but they don't like children there and we didn't have a sitter. Shopping was fun and exhausting.
After Fabian's appointment we went to Ryan and Lisa's house and then headed to Chucke Cheese. Well Fabian, Taylor, Ryan, and Nick (Lisa's son) went in one vehicle and Me, Eastynn, Lisa, and Shelby went in our vechile we went to to Toys R Us. We got Taylor the Dora's doll house for her birthday and bought all the accesories we could find. Ryan and Lisa bought her the rest of the accesories so everything they had at Toys R Us we bought except baby brother and sisters room cause they didn't have baby brother and sister.
Then we met up with the guys and Taylor had some pizza and fun and then went back to Ryan and Lisa's so Taylor could open her presents. She loved it all it was great even though she got them like a week early.
Eastynn was putting on a show for Ryan and Lisa she would stand on there bottom stair and say un, doo, eee (1,2,3) and jump usually doing a belly flop or something like that. I thought Lisa was going to pee herself.
Then it was the long drive home, but all was good.
That's all for now

1 comment:

Live your Dream Team said...

You think I'm busy??? You've been going like crazy the past week! Hopefully you have some quiet days at home to recoup!! LOL At least my busy is company coming to my house, so there's no driving involved.