We came to Sask on boxing day I was so exhausted I slept pretty much from Medicine Hat to Regina but felt great after wards. I think both the girls had little cat naps and that was about it. We stopped in Swift for lunch and let the girls play a little and then kept on trucking. We arrived at Grandma and Grandpa's at around 6:00. Had some supper and opened some presents. The girls got spoiled as usual. They had a bath with there new swimming dolls and shortly after that the girls went to bed.
Today we took family pictures with everyone Grandma and Grandpa Huber, Daniel and Linda, Calvin, Brooklynn, and Luke, Fabian, myself, Taylor, and Eastynn. The little ones were a little grumpy at time but considering I think it turned out fantastic.
After pictures Cal, Fabian, Grandma, me and the girls all got suited up and went outside and played a little. Then me and the girls hopped in the sled and were towed around on the ski-doo by uncle Calvin (a 2 year tradition so far) Fabian came along on the quad and snapped some photos. It was a good time. Then we cam home and relaxed and the girls had another bath with there swimming dolls and played some and it was off to bed.
That's all for now.
Will add lots of photos later.