Sunday, December 30, 2007

Where To Put It All

Now we have the issue of where to put all of our new stuff, well I guess mostly the girls new stuff. So in the mean time we need to take all the decorations down and put them away, so we can put the regular stuff back where it belongs in order to find room for the new things. Yikes.
Basically we have to do spring cleaning in the middle of winter but the plans I have in my head hopefully will work out and I will have a nice clean and organized house. Tonight I worked on the living room and the furnace room. I also took all the clothes that don't fit the girls out of their closet and hung up all of their new clothes. It is crazy how much they got, we also did a little shopping for Taylor with the gift certificates we got. The girls room is pretty much clean there are a few things I need to change but for the most part its done.
Tomorrow will be the outside storage room and the kitchen.
Not sure when I'll get to our room or the toy room. We need to take the toys the girls don't play with and put them in storage. Maybe we can get lucky and get it all done tomorrow but I doubt it but now that I have bored you all with that little story. I'm off to bed.
That's all for now.

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