Wednesday, December 12, 2007


So we are trying to wean Eastynn from her nursing, yes she is a year and still nursing. Saved us a ton of money though. I think Taylor cost $30 every week and a half when she was on a bottle.
She has 2 ounces before each feed and then in 6 days we will bump it up to 2 ounces and so on till she is up to 6 oz. I can't wait and we have a tournament in Lethbridge on Jan 5th so she needs to be done by then. That is going to be a tough my first night away from my baby. I'm sure I have only been out of town one other time since Taylor has been born. She has had sleep overs before but not while I have been out of town.
We are hoping all goes well with the weaning. I'm very excited to be done with this for awhile anyway. This will be our second time trying to wean her. Fabian has to do all the feeds cause I think she gets mad when I give her milk and I don't blame her.
That's all for now.

1 comment:

Live your Dream Team said...

Weaning - such a tough thing to do! Good luck with it - sounds like you're doing the right things :-) It's sad to be done, but so liberating too!! LOL