Saturday, December 29, 2007

Christmas With The Huber's

Christmas with the Huber's was cut a little short but nonetheless was still just as special as our other day's previous. We spent a day driving out there, and shortly after we got there the girls got extremely spoiled we almost need a U-haul to get back. Just kidding. The girls got lots of new toys and clothes though. The next morning Taylor spent most of the day outside on a sled with Auntie Brooklynn while Uncle Calvin towed them around. Eastynn spent the day trying to show Grandma and Grandpa Huber how she could walk and how she could fall too. She's still can only make a few steps and she has horrible depth perception. We had some Chinese for supper and hit the hay pretty early as we needed to be on the road early in the morning. Both the girls traveled really well. We all did considering the flu bug that has plagued our family for the past week or so. I'm really hoping we didn't leave it with anyone back in Saskatchewan.
That's all for now.

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