Tuesday, December 04, 2007

Taylor's First Parent/Teacher Conference

We had Taylor's first parent teacher conference yesterday which went very well in my opinion. The teachers say she is a really quite student which is easy to see I was a very shy child (at school anyway) and I can only imagine that Fabian was as well. They said that she gets along with all of the other children which made me very happy too. When we were talking about how quite she is they said she always says mushy mushy when she is called upon. I was confused cause I had heard her say that before but thought she was talking gibberish but here that means hi in Japanese. (obviously I can't write it as the Japanese because I don't know how to write or speak Japanese so if I'm wrong forgive me). Its pretty cool that she is retaining a lot of the stuff from school anyway. I asked about her speech to see if she was ok, they really couldn't tell me because she is so shy. They did however give us a sheet to fill out and have her professionally assessed which I'm happy they are doing because personally I think she needs a little help and I don't know how to help her. They did say she probably won't even talk so they will assess her as being severe which they said is OK because she would get some one on one at school to help her with her speech and she would also have some of her schooling paid for which is kind of a nice bonus. I think if Taylor could communicate better to Fabian and I there would probably be a lot less arguing going on, I think she must get frustrated sometimes that we don't know what she wants.
Also Taylor has been going to bed a lot better which has also resulted in a lot less fighting cause she is not so tired. Although little Miss Eastynn is trying to wean herself down to one nap a day which is frustrating with her but soon it will all even out and then we will be hit with another issue. Always stuff to look forward to.
That's all for now

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