Sunday, December 16, 2007

Eastynn Birthday Parties

Today we had 2 birthday parties one was for family and one was for friends. It was a good time not to say she got lots of presents and enjoyed lots of cake. And she looked adorable as usual. Taylor was also the perfect little hostess. At my mom's house every time someone came in she would grab them by the hand and show them Eastynn's cake which was cute because she normally plays pretty shy. At the end of the party she came up stairs and said Thank you all for coming. AT our house when it was time to have cake she guests come on and later she thanked everyone for coming once again. I was so proud of her.
The one dress she is wearing here is from Jerimy and Stephanie Chisholm they bought it for Taylor and its nice that Eastynn got to wear it for her first birthday a special dress from 2 very dear and special people. (Our thoughts and prayers are with Jerimy and his family and Stephanie and her family) We love you.
The red dress was given to Eastynn by Great Grandma Chisholm a beautiful dress.
That's all for now.

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