Thursday, December 20, 2007

Little One and Baby Girl.

Today Eastynn had her one year shot and was she ever a trooper barely cried at all. She gave the nurse a look with a wide open mouth as if to say "WHAT THE HECK ARE YOU DOING" and let out a little squeal but not really a cry. That's my girl.
She did say she was tiny but thriving well, she was not concerned in the least bit about her height or weight which is 27.75" and 18lbs (which is what Taylor was at 6 months) LOL.
I love it though because I always put Taylor to bed and say Night night baby girl mommy loves you and I was wondering what I was going to say to Eastynn and one night it came to me Night night little one mommy loves you.
I love it.
Anyway just thought I'd give everyone an update on her.
That's all for know.
PS My thoughts and prayers are with Jerimy, Steph and both of there families we love you.

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