I finally got all the toys put away today. I got a bin full of toys to go into storage. I have probably 3 bins full of clothes. One of my maternity clothes. One for Taylor and one for Eastynn. Our house is slowly coming along. Just got a few more things left to do. I can't wait for things to get back to normal.
That's all for now
Monday, December 31, 2007
Sunday, December 30, 2007
Where To Put It All
Now we have the issue of where to put all of our new stuff, well I guess mostly the girls new stuff. So in the mean time we need to take all the decorations down and put them away, so we can put the regular stuff back where it belongs in order to find room for the new things. Yikes.
Basically we have to do spring cleaning in the middle of winter but the plans I have in my head hopefully will work out and I will have a nice clean and organized house. Tonight I worked on the living room and the furnace room. I also took all the clothes that don't fit the girls out of their closet and hung up all of their new clothes. It is crazy how much they got, we also did a little shopping for Taylor with the gift certificates we got. The girls room is pretty much clean there are a few things I need to change but for the most part its done.
Tomorrow will be the outside storage room and the kitchen.
Not sure when I'll get to our room or the toy room. We need to take the toys the girls don't play with and put them in storage. Maybe we can get lucky and get it all done tomorrow but I doubt it but now that I have bored you all with that little story. I'm off to bed.
That's all for now.
Basically we have to do spring cleaning in the middle of winter but the plans I have in my head hopefully will work out and I will have a nice clean and organized house. Tonight I worked on the living room and the furnace room. I also took all the clothes that don't fit the girls out of their closet and hung up all of their new clothes. It is crazy how much they got, we also did a little shopping for Taylor with the gift certificates we got. The girls room is pretty much clean there are a few things I need to change but for the most part its done.
Tomorrow will be the outside storage room and the kitchen.
Not sure when I'll get to our room or the toy room. We need to take the toys the girls don't play with and put them in storage. Maybe we can get lucky and get it all done tomorrow but I doubt it but now that I have bored you all with that little story. I'm off to bed.
That's all for now.
Saturday, December 29, 2007
Christmas With The Huber's

Christmas with the Huber's was cut a little short but nonetheless was still just as special as our other day's previous. We spent a day driving out there, and shortly after we got there the girls got extremely spoiled we almost need a U-haul to get back. Just kidding. The girls got lots of new toys and clothes though. The next morning Taylor spent most of the day outside on a sled with Auntie Brooklynn while Uncle Calvin towed them around. Eastynn spent the day trying to show Grandma and Grandpa Huber how she could walk and how she could fall too. She's still can only make a few steps and she has horrible depth perception. We had some Chinese for supper and hit the hay pretty early as we needed to be on the road early in the morning. Both the girls traveled really well. We all did considering the flu bug that has plagued our family for the past week or so. I'm really hoping we didn't leave it with anyone back in Saskatchewan.
That's all for now.
Christmas With The Chisholm's

Christmas with the Chisholm's in my opinion was one of the best ever. I was so happy that everything went great. We all laughed and cried a little sharing a few stories of Steph. We all really enjoyed what I think Jerimy and Steph enjoyed the most which was the chinese gift exchange. We played some games. It was great.
That's all for now.
Christmas With The Mellor's

On Dec 24 and 25 we had Christmas with the Mellor's. Taylor, Uncle Jay, Grandma, Jo, Kirsty and Paul all made cookies for Santa. They must have been good cause he ate them all. The girls got spoiled by everyone at the Mellor household. Lot's of fun.
That's all for now.
Monday, December 24, 2007
Merry Christmas
Just a quick note.
I just wanted to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. The girls and I are all really sick, Taylor still isn't eating well since she got sick. Eastynn got sick yesterday and today and I got sick today as well. Ick. Hopefully Fabian will not get sick now.
That's all for now.
I just wanted to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. The girls and I are all really sick, Taylor still isn't eating well since she got sick. Eastynn got sick yesterday and today and I got sick today as well. Ick. Hopefully Fabian will not get sick now.
That's all for now.
Sunday, December 23, 2007
Thoughts and Prayers
Our family is sending our thoughts and prayers to Jerimy and his family and to Stephanie's family as she has lost her battle with cancer. I'm truly and deeply sorry, if there is anything we can do do not hesitate to call us. We love you.
Friday, December 21, 2007
Poor Girl So Sick
Taylor is one sick little girl, which just proves she is mine being sick at Christmas. Last night while I was at darts she started getting sick Fabian told me then she got up around 10ish getting sick again and didn't stop till well she is still getting sick. I took her to the hospital at 2 am cause she couldn't even keep half a tbsp. down. They said she was on the verge of maybe needing an IV but don't like doing that to kids that young. They did give her some gravol in not the best way imaginable. She is starting to be able to finally hold some liquids down. We are still suppose to wait awhile before she eats anything.
That's all for now.
That's all for now.
Thursday, December 20, 2007
Little One and Baby Girl.
Today Eastynn had her one year shot and was she ever a trooper barely cried at all. She gave the nurse a look with a wide open mouth as if to say "WHAT THE HECK ARE YOU DOING" and let out a little squeal but not really a cry. That's my girl.
She did say she was tiny but thriving well, she was not concerned in the least bit about her height or weight which is 27.75" and 18lbs (which is what Taylor was at 6 months) LOL.
I love it though because I always put Taylor to bed and say Night night baby girl mommy loves you and I was wondering what I was going to say to Eastynn and one night it came to me Night night little one mommy loves you.
I love it.
Anyway just thought I'd give everyone an update on her.
That's all for know.
PS My thoughts and prayers are with Jerimy, Steph and both of there families we love you.
She did say she was tiny but thriving well, she was not concerned in the least bit about her height or weight which is 27.75" and 18lbs (which is what Taylor was at 6 months) LOL.
I love it though because I always put Taylor to bed and say Night night baby girl mommy loves you and I was wondering what I was going to say to Eastynn and one night it came to me Night night little one mommy loves you.
I love it.
Anyway just thought I'd give everyone an update on her.
That's all for know.
PS My thoughts and prayers are with Jerimy, Steph and both of there families we love you.
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
Sunday, December 16, 2007
Eastynn Birthday Parties
Today we had 2 birthday parties one was for family and one was for friends. It was a good time not to say she got lots of presents and enjoyed lots of cake. And she looked adorable as usual. Taylor was also the perfect little hostess. At my mom's house every time someone came in she would grab them by the hand and show them Eastynn's cake which was cute because she normally plays pretty shy. At the end of the party she came up stairs and said Thank you all for coming. AT our house when it was time to have cake she guests come on and later she thanked everyone for coming once again. I was so proud of her.
The one dress she is wearing here is from Jerimy and Stephanie Chisholm they bought it for Taylor and its nice that Eastynn got to wear it for her first birthday a special dress from 2 very dear and special people. (Our thoughts and prayers are with Jerimy and his family and Stephanie and her family) We love you.
The red dress was given to Eastynn by Great Grandma Chisholm a beautiful dress.
That's all for now.
Saturday, December 15, 2007
Guess Who's One
yeah its Eastynn's first birthday ALREADY.
We are having her birthday party tomorrow. I can't believe it, it feels like we just got her. But when you pregnant it feels like it is years and years time almost seems to stand still. It would be nice if it were the other wasy around and they stayed a baby forever and the pregnancy flew by. Anyway I'm rambling.
So we don't have much planned for today. Although we are going to prep for tomorrow. We have to make cup cakes and clean the house.
Tomorrow will be exciting we are going to have a little party at my mom's house with all the family at 2:00 and then come home and have a nap and clean up from the morning and have a party with the girls friends. We are going to have cupcakes and let the kids decorate the cupcakes themselves it should be fun and messy. I will have some pictures to post tomorrow evening or Monday.
That's all for now
We are having her birthday party tomorrow. I can't believe it, it feels like we just got her. But when you pregnant it feels like it is years and years time almost seems to stand still. It would be nice if it were the other wasy around and they stayed a baby forever and the pregnancy flew by. Anyway I'm rambling.
So we don't have much planned for today. Although we are going to prep for tomorrow. We have to make cup cakes and clean the house.
Tomorrow will be exciting we are going to have a little party at my mom's house with all the family at 2:00 and then come home and have a nap and clean up from the morning and have a party with the girls friends. We are going to have cupcakes and let the kids decorate the cupcakes themselves it should be fun and messy. I will have some pictures to post tomorrow evening or Monday.
That's all for now
Friday, December 14, 2007
What's up baby girl?
I'm not sure what is going on with Eastynn she has been GRUMPY. I'm not sure if she is getting another tooth, going through a growth spurt, or some jealousy thing.
When she gets up she cries till she has her morning nap which we are lucky if she even has her morning nap and if she does its a short one only a hour.
Once she gets up from her nap the child eats and eats and eats. For example the other day she had her little mum mum cookies like 4 packs, then 2 pieces of toast, a banana, then her lunch its crazy how much that little one can eat. That's what leads me to believe she is going through a growth spurt.
Back to the crying if Taylor is being held by me or Fabian even if the other parent is holding her she cries its really weird. Cause they play so well but don't go near her mommy or daddy.
We are still trying to wean her. We are giving her 3 oz of milk now and then I nurse for a total of 8 minutes. Last night she had a 6oz bottle cause she was mad when the 3 oz bottle was gone so we gave her more and she still nursed. I'm sure we will figure out something that will work for both Eastynn and I. Any suggestions or comments will help.
That's all for now
When she gets up she cries till she has her morning nap which we are lucky if she even has her morning nap and if she does its a short one only a hour.
Once she gets up from her nap the child eats and eats and eats. For example the other day she had her little mum mum cookies like 4 packs, then 2 pieces of toast, a banana, then her lunch its crazy how much that little one can eat. That's what leads me to believe she is going through a growth spurt.
Back to the crying if Taylor is being held by me or Fabian even if the other parent is holding her she cries its really weird. Cause they play so well but don't go near her mommy or daddy.
We are still trying to wean her. We are giving her 3 oz of milk now and then I nurse for a total of 8 minutes. Last night she had a 6oz bottle cause she was mad when the 3 oz bottle was gone so we gave her more and she still nursed. I'm sure we will figure out something that will work for both Eastynn and I. Any suggestions or comments will help.
That's all for now
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
Santa Pictures
Here is our picture with Santa. I'm in the picture because Eastynn DIDN'T want to sit on Santa's lap. And a couple of Taylor before we went out to see Santa.
That's all for now
So we are trying to wean Eastynn from her nursing, yes she is a year and still nursing. Saved us a ton of money though. I think Taylor cost $30 every week and a half when she was on a bottle.
She has 2 ounces before each feed and then in 6 days we will bump it up to 2 ounces and so on till she is up to 6 oz. I can't wait and we have a tournament in Lethbridge on Jan 5th so she needs to be done by then. That is going to be a tough my first night away from my baby. I'm sure I have only been out of town one other time since Taylor has been born. She has had sleep overs before but not while I have been out of town.
We are hoping all goes well with the weaning. I'm very excited to be done with this for awhile anyway. This will be our second time trying to wean her. Fabian has to do all the feeds cause I think she gets mad when I give her milk and I don't blame her.
That's all for now.
She has 2 ounces before each feed and then in 6 days we will bump it up to 2 ounces and so on till she is up to 6 oz. I can't wait and we have a tournament in Lethbridge on Jan 5th so she needs to be done by then. That is going to be a tough my first night away from my baby. I'm sure I have only been out of town one other time since Taylor has been born. She has had sleep overs before but not while I have been out of town.
We are hoping all goes well with the weaning. I'm very excited to be done with this for awhile anyway. This will be our second time trying to wean her. Fabian has to do all the feeds cause I think she gets mad when I give her milk and I don't blame her.
That's all for now.
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
I was just looking at the calender and realized I'm going to have one heck of a week coming up. Saturday I have a ladies doubles tournament. Sunday we are having a family birthday for Eastynn at 2pm at my mom's and then one for the friends at our house. Just the regular things after that till Wednesday and Taylor has a Christmas party at 11:00. Thursday Eastynn has needles at 10:30 and Taylor has another Christmas party at 11:00. I don't know what I was thinking there but I think Fabian and I will figure it out. I will drop him off and he can use my parents car and I'll go to the needles and hopefully just make it. Friday night is our super league doubles and then I guess it all good after that.
That's all for now
That's all for now
Monday, December 10, 2007
Taylor's Missed Concert
Taylor was suppose to have a Christmas concert today. Her class was going to the Good Samaritan's Lodge to sing some Christmas songs for the older folks but were told not to come if they have a cough or runny nose. Taylor hasn't even complained about this cold but I was going to give her till noon and if she didn't cough I was going to let her go. She didn't even make it 8:30 so she didn't go. But she still has her Christmas party at school so that will be fun and I will take photos and video while there. I'm so excited more so than for mine when I was a kid. Those aren't until Dec 19 and 20.
That's all for now
That's all for now
Sunday, December 09, 2007
Congratulations Uncle Calvin and Auntie Brooklynn
FINALLY We are going to have a new addition to the Huber family. Nope we aren't pregnant Uncle Calvin finally has proposed to Brooklynn. And I couldn't be more happy to finally have a sister-in-law not that I haven't always thought of her as my lil' sister but now it going to be official. I can't wait to hear the whole story once they get back from there little vacation.
Congratulations guys we love you both and are so happy for you.
Congratulations guys we love you both and are so happy for you.
Friday, December 07, 2007
So today I went to a site and apparently I'm suppose to refer people and hey if I can get a free laptop why not. So here it is
Tuesday, December 04, 2007
Taylor's First Parent/Teacher Conference
We had Taylor's first parent teacher conference yesterday which went very well in my opinion. The teachers say she is a really quite student which is easy to see I was a very shy child (at school anyway) and I can only imagine that Fabian was as well. They said that she gets along with all of the other children which made me very happy too. When we were talking about how quite she is they said she always says mushy mushy when she is called upon. I was confused cause I had heard her say that before but thought she was talking gibberish but here that means hi in Japanese. (obviously I can't write it as the Japanese because I don't know how to write or speak Japanese so if I'm wrong forgive me). Its pretty cool that she is retaining a lot of the stuff from school anyway. I asked about her speech to see if she was ok, they really couldn't tell me because she is so shy. They did however give us a sheet to fill out and have her professionally assessed which I'm happy they are doing because personally I think she needs a little help and I don't know how to help her. They did say she probably won't even talk so they will assess her as being severe which they said is OK because she would get some one on one at school to help her with her speech and she would also have some of her schooling paid for which is kind of a nice bonus. I think if Taylor could communicate better to Fabian and I there would probably be a lot less arguing going on, I think she must get frustrated sometimes that we don't know what she wants.
Also Taylor has been going to bed a lot better which has also resulted in a lot less fighting cause she is not so tired. Although little Miss Eastynn is trying to wean herself down to one nap a day which is frustrating with her but soon it will all even out and then we will be hit with another issue. Always stuff to look forward to.
That's all for now
Also Taylor has been going to bed a lot better which has also resulted in a lot less fighting cause she is not so tired. Although little Miss Eastynn is trying to wean herself down to one nap a day which is frustrating with her but soon it will all even out and then we will be hit with another issue. Always stuff to look forward to.
That's all for now
Monday, December 03, 2007
Christmas Decoration Pictures
Here are most of the Christmas decorations in our house there are a few more that I may add later.
That's all for now
Sunday, December 02, 2007
It is to cute. Eastynn has been giving kisses lately. Its also a little gross she has her mouth wide open and they are very slobbery. But I'll take anyway I can get them.
She also will be walking here pretty soon. She has taken as many as 4 steps at one time so I don't think it will be long. Anyway she's getting a little cranky now so I better go.
That's all for now
She also will be walking here pretty soon. She has taken as many as 4 steps at one time so I don't think it will be long. Anyway she's getting a little cranky now so I better go.
That's all for now
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