Wednesday, January 10, 2007


Why is it so unbeilevably hard to get toddlers on a schedule. I want Taylor to be going to bed before midnight but it is so hard. We actually had 2 nights recently where she was in bed one night at 8:30 and one at 9:00 it was very nice but very short lived. All I want is a schedule that the whole family can be happy with. in my ideal world it would be:
8:00 get up, change bum, eat breakfast, brush teeth, get dressed, watch dora and blues clues
12:15 lunch
1:00-2:30 nap
5:15 supper
7:00 bathtime, brush teeth, storytime
8:00 sleep
Not sure what we could do with all the free time
If anyone has any ideas on what I can do let me know, cause Taylor is getting very whinny and I think it due to the lack of schedule.

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