Thursday, January 11, 2007

Its a start

Today instead of 12:00 am we managed to get Taylor to bed at 11:30. So if we manage a half hour per night she should be in bed by 8:00 next Wednesday. That would be awesome although I like the fact she sleeps late. But I guess a schedule is more important and hopefully with the routine she won't be so cranky.
We are also going to purchase a card for the swimming pool where you can go 10 times. Hoping in doing so that when we take Taylor swimming it will tire her out a little more. Which will also make the evening schedule full.
Wish us luck with getting her in a routine, that will work for us all.

Eastynn is doing well. She has been sleeping a lot today and eating a little better. Not that she wasn't eating good before just a lot at once, which was personally wearing me out. Hopefully this will stick with her. I think she was going through a growth spurt and I'm getting a bit better at not feeding her every time she cries. Next Wednesday if it is nicer we will go to the breastfeeding clinic just to make sure she is gaining adequate weight and we're doing everything right.

Fabian has a job interview at the hospital tomorrow so hopefully for his sake he gets that job. It would be nice for the whole family although I like the flexibility at his job with the college.

As for me just pretty much taking in all that's going on with the family. Still been having some mild headaches but I think that maybe from lack of sleep.

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