Monday, January 29, 2007

Crazy Day

Today was a little bit of a crazy day. Both girls not very happy. Taylor decided she should pull every toy, book, and stuffed animal out. As well as some of her dishes, from the drawer she has access too. And would not help me clean up and when I got down to her level and pulled her towards me she fell over on one of her toys and she had a big time crying session. All the while Eastynn is in her swing crying. I believe she's going through a growth spurt. I feel like she has been nursing for about 12 hours straight, she will fall asleep while nursing and as I pull away she wakes up crying. But still won't take a pacifier. Very frustrating. But now Taylor's sleeping and Eastynn finally calmed down, I had to actually give her a bottle of formula, right now she mostly nurses but on dart nights she will get formula.

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