Monday, January 22, 2007

Car Seat

I decided to venture out of the house today, but I still couldn't do it alone so my mom came along. She quickly found out why I don't take the girls any where. Eastynn was in absolute hysterics and Taylor takes her shoes and socks off, something I couldn't deal with on my own.
We went and took some Christmas presents back for an exchange. And went to the mall in search for a little sheep skin to put at the bottom of Eastynn's car seat which seems to work, you'll be able to slightly see it in the picture. I also added some toys to her car seat. I really don't know what it is though her car ride home was good. She stayed awake and did not cry. But it could have been the toys, the sheep skin, or the fact she had just eaten.
The other pictures are again those outfits we bought with the gift card from Uncle Daniel and Linda. Taylor won't let me take the camera out without taking her picture. I wish I would have had it at my parent house too, she put on a little hat and it was absolutely adorable.

1 comment:

Live your Dream Team said...

ahhh ... the 'screaming baby in the carseat' scenario ... I remember it well.
I hope it doesn't last long for you, it's very unnerving. Landon screamed blue-bloody murder for the first 8 weeks. Then he stopped. He finally quit screaming when one day he cried so long that he fell asleep in the carseat and then woke up again (I was caught in downtown traffic after a funeral ... I never would've left him in there that long otherwise :-/). The next trip was ~1.5 hour to pick up a friend, he slept the entire way, no crying.
Sooooo .... hopefully Eastynn will have her experience that helps her to learn that the carseat is okay soon, and then she won't cry. Until then -- keep trying to take her out when you can (to save your sanity if nothing else).
All our best...Tamara