Monday, January 29, 2007
Crazy Day
Today was a little bit of a crazy day. Both girls not very happy. Taylor decided she should pull every toy, book, and stuffed animal out. As well as some of her dishes, from the drawer she has access too. And would not help me clean up and when I got down to her level and pulled her towards me she fell over on one of her toys and she had a big time crying session. All the while Eastynn is in her swing crying. I believe she's going through a growth spurt. I feel like she has been nursing for about 12 hours straight, she will fall asleep while nursing and as I pull away she wakes up crying. But still won't take a pacifier. Very frustrating. But now Taylor's sleeping and Eastynn finally calmed down, I had to actually give her a bottle of formula, right now she mostly nurses but on dart nights she will get formula.
Sunday, January 28, 2007
Funny Girl

I find it very funny how kids a 2 and half have such a good sense of humor. Taylor is super funny. She cracks me up on a daily basis. She came out of my room dressed in my shirt. Didn't expect that. Some pictures to prove her wacky sense of humor. And also a pic of me and my two girls. They look cute as usual me I look horrible but the best picture I think I have taken since I had the baby probably before that.
That's all for now.
Friday, January 26, 2007
Eastynn Is Getting So Big

Just come to post a few pics. I apparently got to do a little more reading the pics didn't turn out to great but wanted to post anyway. One is one of Eastynn at a week old or so the rest are of her over the last few days.
Tuesday, January 23, 2007
What A Year So Far
This news is not about the girls although they have been a good part of my year so far.
Tony Hyde, a fellow dart player, had a amazing Christmas. He apparently got a phone call at 3 am that he finally was getting the organs he has long awaited for. He was doing good with one organ but the other was not taking so well, but apparently now he is doing a lot better.
And my good friend Becky's mother got her long awaited transplant. And from what I hear she is doing fantastic.
Just wanted everyone to know.
My thoughts and prayers are with both they Hyde family and the Painter family as well.
Tony Hyde, a fellow dart player, had a amazing Christmas. He apparently got a phone call at 3 am that he finally was getting the organs he has long awaited for. He was doing good with one organ but the other was not taking so well, but apparently now he is doing a lot better.
And my good friend Becky's mother got her long awaited transplant. And from what I hear she is doing fantastic.
Just wanted everyone to know.
My thoughts and prayers are with both they Hyde family and the Painter family as well.
Monday, January 22, 2007
Car Seat

I decided to venture out of the house today, but I still couldn't do it alone so my mom came along. She quickly found out why I don't take the girls any where. Eastynn was in absolute hysterics and Taylor takes her shoes and socks off, something I couldn't deal with on my own.
We went and took some Christmas presents back for an exchange. And went to the mall in search for a little sheep skin to put at the bottom of Eastynn's car seat which seems to work, you'll be able to slightly see it in the picture. I also added some toys to her car seat. I really don't know what it is though her car ride home was good. She stayed awake and did not cry. But it could have been the toys, the sheep skin, or the fact she had just eaten.
The other pictures are again those outfits we bought with the gift card from Uncle Daniel and Linda. Taylor won't let me take the camera out without taking her picture. I wish I would have had it at my parent house too, she put on a little hat and it was absolutely adorable.
Sunday, January 21, 2007

Today we took back one of our Christmas presents and with that money and some money from both of our parents we bought a new camera. It is a canon powershot s3is. So hopefully we will get lots of new and fantastic pictures of the girls and maybe even a couple of Fabian and I.
This week has been pretty uneventful. Fabian worked and that's about all he did. He and Taylor did go swimming twice once for fun and once for lessons. I had an equally dull week spent most of the week with the girls. And had my Tuesday night darts. But I practiced Wednesday and Thursday. I also played in two jitney's (blind draw) one on Friday and Saturday. I have to play as much as possible in order to make the provincial team.
Taylor was doing really good with the sleeping but had a couple bad days. As soon as we stop being lazy and start being consistent things will all work out I think.
As for Eastynn she is doing good, growing lots. Uncle Daniel and Linda stopped over and said she was getting big. We really can't tell cause we see her everyday. She was having some difficulty pooping but when she does there good ones. I was getting a little concerned but after talking to the health nit they said some babies will go a week with out pooping. So that kind of put my mind at ease. She has went up to 6 days before pooping but then will poop everyday for three days and then not have one for awhile again. But as long as she is happy we won't worry about it.
That's all for now will try and post more pictures more often now.
Tuesday, January 16, 2007
I can't believe it
Last night we actually got Taylor in bed at the time we wanted her in bed no messing around. It took about 15 minutes before she fell asleep. She may get to stay up a little later tonight because of darts but hopefully tonight will be the last Tuesday she gets to stay up.
She napped yesterday for about an hour and a half. NOT NEARLY LONG ENOUGH. She is use to napping for 3 hours, she was so cranky when she got up. So today we will try 2 hours. I think that's what was the problem before is that she would nap so long she wouldn't be tired at bed time. So now we just have to find a happy medium. But for 2 days in a row she has napped at or around 1. So that how baby one is doing.
As for Eastynn, she is getting so big she's about 21 inches now I measured her yesterday. She is starting to stay awake for longer periods of time and smile a lot more. She's not very regular with her bowel movements so she gets quite cranky. Although its been about 3 days since her last one and she usually goes every third day. I couldn't imagine that myself, but I talked to the health link nurse and they said it was ok just as long as its not more than a week. Anyway Grandma Mellor will probably get a very full diaper tonight. She sleeps pretty good but she has to be swaddled or she has to be held while sleeping and if she's swaddled she won't sleep unless in her swing. I think she maybe a little harder than Taylor. And a wee bit of a temper when she wants something it has to be done now, RIGHT NOW. But whatever how can you not with a baby that cute. She is also starting to coo a little now I love that. But unfortunately there's nothing else I can say. So that's all for baby 2.
She napped yesterday for about an hour and a half. NOT NEARLY LONG ENOUGH. She is use to napping for 3 hours, she was so cranky when she got up. So today we will try 2 hours. I think that's what was the problem before is that she would nap so long she wouldn't be tired at bed time. So now we just have to find a happy medium. But for 2 days in a row she has napped at or around 1. So that how baby one is doing.
As for Eastynn, she is getting so big she's about 21 inches now I measured her yesterday. She is starting to stay awake for longer periods of time and smile a lot more. She's not very regular with her bowel movements so she gets quite cranky. Although its been about 3 days since her last one and she usually goes every third day. I couldn't imagine that myself, but I talked to the health link nurse and they said it was ok just as long as its not more than a week. Anyway Grandma Mellor will probably get a very full diaper tonight. She sleeps pretty good but she has to be swaddled or she has to be held while sleeping and if she's swaddled she won't sleep unless in her swing. I think she maybe a little harder than Taylor. And a wee bit of a temper when she wants something it has to be done now, RIGHT NOW. But whatever how can you not with a baby that cute. She is also starting to coo a little now I love that. But unfortunately there's nothing else I can say. So that's all for baby 2.
Monday, January 15, 2007
Getting Better
Well we missed a few nights of putting Taylor down early. One night cause we went to a friends the next night she went to bed on her own earlier than we would have put her down. But last night mommy put Taylor to bed it only took 15 minutes instead of a half hour and we did this at about 10:15. She did get up at 3 but Eastynn was up either with a sore tummy or celebrating the fact that she is already month old, personally I think it was a tummy ache. Tonight I will try to put Taylor down around 9:30ish. I'm very excited about her being on a schedule. I wanted her once we got the night time schedule to start taking naps at 1:00 and she so happened to fall asleep today at 1:00, lucky me. But unlucky that Eastynn decided to get up at one.
Well that's about all for now just wanted everyone to know how the schedule was going.
Well that's about all for now just wanted everyone to know how the schedule was going.
Friday, January 12, 2007
Holy Cow

Today Eastynn is 4 weeks old already. It is unbelieveable to me although we were really busy in December I just can't phathom that weeks weeks have passed by so quickly. Eastynn is starting to coo a little bit and she is smiling s little bit, although it could be gas she has gas all the time but it doesn't seem to bother her at all.
Taylor we got her to sleep another half hour earlier so I'm soping this will work well. I can't wait till she is in bed by 8:00 it will be a lot easier on Tuesday's when we play darts if my mom has to worry about Eastynn and not Taylor. Not that she can't handle the 2 of them. She seems a little happier already. Although she is fantastic till she has both parents around then she becomes a little harder to control. But she's a good girl maybe tonight if Eastynn will let me I can put Taylor to bed. I think she knows she can't get away with as much with me as she can with daddy. But were all going to work on that.
Fabian had his job interview yesterday and should know in about a week how it went.
And tomorrow mommy gets a day to play darts, I'm so excited although I hate being away from the girls and Fabian for the whole day, but better me got out and have some adult time then to be at home with the girls to much.
Thursday, January 11, 2007
Its a start
Today instead of 12:00 am we managed to get Taylor to bed at 11:30. So if we manage a half hour per night she should be in bed by 8:00 next Wednesday. That would be awesome although I like the fact she sleeps late. But I guess a schedule is more important and hopefully with the routine she won't be so cranky.
We are also going to purchase a card for the swimming pool where you can go 10 times. Hoping in doing so that when we take Taylor swimming it will tire her out a little more. Which will also make the evening schedule full.
Wish us luck with getting her in a routine, that will work for us all.
Eastynn is doing well. She has been sleeping a lot today and eating a little better. Not that she wasn't eating good before just a lot at once, which was personally wearing me out. Hopefully this will stick with her. I think she was going through a growth spurt and I'm getting a bit better at not feeding her every time she cries. Next Wednesday if it is nicer we will go to the breastfeeding clinic just to make sure she is gaining adequate weight and we're doing everything right.
Fabian has a job interview at the hospital tomorrow so hopefully for his sake he gets that job. It would be nice for the whole family although I like the flexibility at his job with the college.
As for me just pretty much taking in all that's going on with the family. Still been having some mild headaches but I think that maybe from lack of sleep.
We are also going to purchase a card for the swimming pool where you can go 10 times. Hoping in doing so that when we take Taylor swimming it will tire her out a little more. Which will also make the evening schedule full.
Wish us luck with getting her in a routine, that will work for us all.
Eastynn is doing well. She has been sleeping a lot today and eating a little better. Not that she wasn't eating good before just a lot at once, which was personally wearing me out. Hopefully this will stick with her. I think she was going through a growth spurt and I'm getting a bit better at not feeding her every time she cries. Next Wednesday if it is nicer we will go to the breastfeeding clinic just to make sure she is gaining adequate weight and we're doing everything right.
Fabian has a job interview at the hospital tomorrow so hopefully for his sake he gets that job. It would be nice for the whole family although I like the flexibility at his job with the college.
As for me just pretty much taking in all that's going on with the family. Still been having some mild headaches but I think that maybe from lack of sleep.
Wednesday, January 10, 2007
Why is it so unbeilevably hard to get toddlers on a schedule. I want Taylor to be going to bed before midnight but it is so hard. We actually had 2 nights recently where she was in bed one night at 8:30 and one at 9:00 it was very nice but very short lived. All I want is a schedule that the whole family can be happy with. in my ideal world it would be:
8:00 get up, change bum, eat breakfast, brush teeth, get dressed, watch dora and blues clues
12:15 lunch
1:00-2:30 nap
5:15 supper
7:00 bathtime, brush teeth, storytime
8:00 sleep
Not sure what we could do with all the free time
If anyone has any ideas on what I can do let me know, cause Taylor is getting very whinny and I think it due to the lack of schedule.
8:00 get up, change bum, eat breakfast, brush teeth, get dressed, watch dora and blues clues
12:15 lunch
1:00-2:30 nap
5:15 supper
7:00 bathtime, brush teeth, storytime
8:00 sleep
Not sure what we could do with all the free time
If anyone has any ideas on what I can do let me know, cause Taylor is getting very whinny and I think it due to the lack of schedule.
Sunday, January 07, 2007
Bath Time

Well I know I promised you all some pictures. They are going to be few and far between from now on because for some reason both of our cameras are broken. So I want to get a new camera but want to get a good one. Anyway.
Here are a couple of pics of Eastynn having a bath she really likes being in the bath tub.
These pics were taken with Fabian's phone.
Friday, January 05, 2007
3 weeks already
I have no idea where the time has gone but my baby is already 3 weeks old. She is getting a bit bigger. She eats very good during the day but at about 8:00 she its a non stop deal till the wee hours of the morning which makes me very tired.
Taylor has been having a tough time at bed time not going to bed till 1:00 am most nights. We did however get her into bed at 10:00 the other night only to have her wake up at 1:00 am and not go back to sleep until 6:30 am. That really sucked. She is so tired she is becoming very whiny but maybe its jealousy of Eastynn, I'm not quite sure.
Fabian went back to work. So he has been very busy with that.
Me I'm exhausted. I had a migraine the last couple of days, yesterday it was so bad I made Fabian come home from work. I would have got him to take me to the hospital but I wouldn't have been able to feed Eastynn. I have been a little overwhelmed and haven't done a whole lot of house work except for cleaning Taylor's toys. It is pretty hard when you have a baby attatched to your boob.
And finally Fabian and I have been smoke free for 3 weeks. That is a HUGE deal.
Will post some pictures soon.
Taylor has been having a tough time at bed time not going to bed till 1:00 am most nights. We did however get her into bed at 10:00 the other night only to have her wake up at 1:00 am and not go back to sleep until 6:30 am. That really sucked. She is so tired she is becoming very whiny but maybe its jealousy of Eastynn, I'm not quite sure.
Fabian went back to work. So he has been very busy with that.
Me I'm exhausted. I had a migraine the last couple of days, yesterday it was so bad I made Fabian come home from work. I would have got him to take me to the hospital but I wouldn't have been able to feed Eastynn. I have been a little overwhelmed and haven't done a whole lot of house work except for cleaning Taylor's toys. It is pretty hard when you have a baby attatched to your boob.
And finally Fabian and I have been smoke free for 3 weeks. That is a HUGE deal.
Will post some pictures soon.
Monday, January 01, 2007
It Was A Nice Evening
Well Happy New Year to all. We had a nice evening with the Chisholm's. We played a little poker, ate some food and had some fun. When New Year's rolled around, Taylor had a blast giving hugs to everyone over and over the snowman even got a hug. It was probably the cutest thing she has ever done. It was so much fun.
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