Monday, November 16, 2009

Sleep Sleep Sleep or at least we hope

Today was the first day that Taylor was picked up for school and boy I think it made a difference for Eastynn. She won't go to sleep till around 12:30am and sleeps only till about 8-9am. Then she will not lay down for a nap till she falls asleep at like 3:00-5:00pm then she is up all night.
This morning though she slept till 11:15 so I am hoping we can forget the nap today and just got to bed between 9-10 that would be awesome.
I am going to try and give her supper then at 7pm have a bath and story time maybe a little massage for her and then see if that helps.
I am also going to try and cut out pop and snacking so much I think that maybe a big source of our problem too. I have no clue and am feeling really helpless to get my Little E on a schedule that a 3 year old should be following.
I always liked when I could say bedtime and they'd go running to pick out there books and stuff. I want those days back.
That's all for now

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