Monday, November 09, 2009

Eastynn's not sleeping

Taylor was well enough to go to school today. She missed it so so much and as much as I loved having her at home I am just as happy today to have her at school.

I wish I could send her sister to school too. She is having a bad day. She is not sleeping so well at night any more but Fabian and I being passive don't really help the situation much. She is over tired I am hoping she will have a nap soon. I am now going to start putting her to bed and not letting her out of her room anymore. Its ridiculous to have her up later than I am. So hopefully tonight will work going back to the old method of the baby lock on the door and lots and lots of tears.

Taylor is getting really good at learning her phone number and her address, she can even say her phone number with her eyes closed.

That's all for now

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