Monday, November 30, 2009

My Precious Girls

Here are a few of the best pictures of the month.
Taylor's kindergarten photo

Taylor's Gymnastics Photo

And last but not least Eastynn's gymnastics photo

Monday Night Craft

So it is craft night again. We went cheaper and more simple this time. Last week we did the hanger Christmas tree which was far to advanced for the girls maybe for me and Fabian as well.
Today we did candy cane reindeer. Which was much easier we had a little trouble with the glue but quickly figured it out.
We are enjoying our time together though.

Boring Week

Tuesday we had a bye at darts so me and my mom went to the show, but before the show she still came over for supper and she bought the girls so necklaces to make. The girls loved that so much I couldn't believe it.
Wednesday the girls and I played a new game called slammers and then I had a parent teacher interview. Which went very well she said Taylor is an absolute pleasure to have in the class and is doing extraordinary well but gets really nervous when she calls on her. So we need to work on that I guess. Nothing to major though.
Thursday we played slammers again and played the wii a little bit and that was about it.
Friday was Family Game night Grandma came over and played Taylor loved playing she really enjoys the quality time.
Saturday I took Taylor to Church to see Pam sing in a choir. It wasn't a mass or anything just singing it was nice. They had Amberley Theisen she came in 2nd in Canadian Idol last year it was neat to see her sing live.
Sunday we all just vegged out did a whole lot of nothing. Eastynn has a cold now. We watched the Riders lose the Grey Cup in such a sad way it was awful.
Now you have been caught up on the Huber's week.
That's all for now

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Monday Family Craft Night

Last night was family craft night. We are just starting a new family schedule something different every night so one I spend less time on the computer and watching tv and two that we are doing stuff together. We made hanger Christmas trees. Eastynn didn't seem to care Taylor just wanted us to get past the hard stuff. She really enjoyed herself it was nice to just to sit and spend time together. I can't wait to see what daddy will have planned for next week.
That's all for now

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Pictures Today

Today was a good day. I woke up and started working on Taylor's hair. Eastynn sat down so I stopped with Taylor's knowing full well it was a excellent time to get Eastynn's hair done, she wasn't so impressed but we got her done and then it was back to Taylor. Taylor sits so good when I do her hair, Eastynn will to if I am straightening it. Funny how at 2 and 5. They already want the opposite Taylor wants curly hair, and I don't have a curling iron for her. Eastynn wants her hair straight I think that cause she doesn't have to have a pony tail to keep her hair out of her face.
Then getting dressed Taylor of course loved getting dressed so she could wear new beautiful clothes and Eastynn we had to bribe. I can't see it ending well that we have to bribe her, if we have to bribe her and Taylor sees it I can see her acting badly to get extra praise or to get something special. Although Taylor has been such a great girl lately.
Once we got to pictures Eastynn wasn't having it I hope though she got some great shots. She did some on a outdoor staircase and on a path it was nice. I am so anxious to see the outdoor ones but not as much as the ones she did at the greenhouse. We changed the girls in to the beautiful red Christmas dresses that Grandma Mellor bought they also have matching doll dresses. She did some photos in amongst all the poinsettia flower it was awesome. We even got some of Eastynn smiling I can't wait to see those ones. We had to make silly faces to get her to smile but hey mommy's and daddy's got to do what they got to do.

On a side note me and Taylor took full advantage of not being able to go to pictures yesterday and we decorated the entire house. All that's left is the outdoor lights.
On another side note pictures should be coming out lots this week. Taylor's school picture (I think) Taylor and Eastynn's gymnastics pictures I will post them as soon as I get them all.

That's all for now.

Saturday, November 21, 2009


Today we are getting our family photos done. I am super excited not sure how Eastynn will react with all her tantrums lately getting dressed is quite the feat never mind the fact she was up 2-3 hours early today.
We got the girls some really cute sweaters. And some really really cute dresses. The dresses have matching doll dresses so should be fun.
The one doing them is my cousin Damien's bestfriends (Rob) wife Petara she is an amazing artist and photographer.

Just got a phone call it is snowing awfully hard so we will have to wait till tomorrow since our pictures are suppose to be outside. Which is okay hopefully we will have a cooperative Eastynn tomorrow.
That's all for now

Friday, November 20, 2009

Taylor's Very First Report Card

Taylor got just about all M's on her report card. Which means "Meeting Current Expectations-child is consistent in meeting expectations to date." She got 33 M's.

She got 3 I's which is "Improving-child demonstrates growth but is not yet consistently meeting current expectations."
She got those in: -States corresponding letter to sound (to date.)
-Contributes verbally to group activities.
-Expresses feelings and needs appropriately.
Which in my opinion means she is shy

She got 3 I+'s too.
She got those in- States Birthdate (which she knows)
-States Address (which she also knows)
-Expresses thoughts and ideas clearly

I am very proud of her, we will work on the few things she needs to but if your shy your shy and I don't think there is anything wrong with that.
That's all for now

Eastynn Sleeping

She is still not sleeping at 8 pm and is still going to bed around midnight but at least now she is sleeping from 12-11 which is great. Now I just need to move her bed time up each night and we will be okay. She also is not sleeping in her own room. I don't know what to do about that cause I don't want her waking Taylor but she gets very upset if we move Taylor into a different room. I also think she might not like her bed I laid on it and its not very comfortable we are going to save up to get the girls some really nice beds that they can have till they move out hopefully.
Eventually I would love to have Taylor and Eastynn in separate rooms with double beds. I am excited for when they get to pick out there new bedding sets.
I want Eastynn in bed at 8 sleeping till 7 and napping from 11-12. If and when that happens I will be happy.
I think I may start making a food journal to see if certain things help or hinder her sleep I am hoping that will work too.
That's all for now

Monday, November 16, 2009

Sleep Sleep Sleep or at least we hope

Today was the first day that Taylor was picked up for school and boy I think it made a difference for Eastynn. She won't go to sleep till around 12:30am and sleeps only till about 8-9am. Then she will not lay down for a nap till she falls asleep at like 3:00-5:00pm then she is up all night.
This morning though she slept till 11:15 so I am hoping we can forget the nap today and just got to bed between 9-10 that would be awesome.
I am going to try and give her supper then at 7pm have a bath and story time maybe a little massage for her and then see if that helps.
I am also going to try and cut out pop and snacking so much I think that maybe a big source of our problem too. I have no clue and am feeling really helpless to get my Little E on a schedule that a 3 year old should be following.
I always liked when I could say bedtime and they'd go running to pick out there books and stuff. I want those days back.
That's all for now

Monday, November 09, 2009

Eastynn's not sleeping

Taylor was well enough to go to school today. She missed it so so much and as much as I loved having her at home I am just as happy today to have her at school.

I wish I could send her sister to school too. She is having a bad day. She is not sleeping so well at night any more but Fabian and I being passive don't really help the situation much. She is over tired I am hoping she will have a nap soon. I am now going to start putting her to bed and not letting her out of her room anymore. Its ridiculous to have her up later than I am. So hopefully tonight will work going back to the old method of the baby lock on the door and lots and lots of tears.

Taylor is getting really good at learning her phone number and her address, she can even say her phone number with her eyes closed.

That's all for now

Wednesday, November 04, 2009

Taylor's Eye Appointment

Taylor had her eye appointment yesterday. It went well. He said she is slightly farsighted but nothing to worry about yet. She also has something wrong with her tear duct or her eye not being able to drain properly but it only seems to be a issue very seldom so nothing to worry about as of yet it was nice that she was actually having the problem when we went there so he could see it for himself.
She was so cute in there she had the pictures instead of the letters again. They had a picture of a duck, a dog, a flower, and a fish. She could get them all except the darn fish she got the fish when it was very very big. She thought it was a mouse the rest of the time and when it was very small she thought it was a pebble. I had to try my hardest not to laugh it was so funny.
That's all for now


Taylor is finally to the age where holidays are so much more fun and Halloween was lots of fun this year. Carving pumpkins was fun this year I really enjoy carving pumpkins wish I could carve something like a pumpkin more often just don't know what.
This year when we got up we did Taylor's hair for Halloween, she got to wear her costume to gymnastics I didn't put the crown or wings on her though a little restricting for gymnastics.
Then after gymnastics we went and had lunch then she had a play date at her friend Jessica's house. After the play date we went trick or treating to all the aunts and uncles and cousins. Its so fun to take them to place where they recognize people. They sure had fun and we got to see tiny baby Jackson he is so so small and cute.
We came home and had some supper actually McDonalds and then we hit the neighborhood. The kids got a ton of candy. 3 shopping bags full of chips, 1 of chocolate bars and 1 of just candy. They had a lot of fun just going house to house I think only when it is on a weekend will we do the family from now on I love seeing everyone just to much to do.
That's all for now


So this year we did 4 Pumpkins. One of my dad we had to buy a program for it but we get to keep it so I can do anything I want.
We did one of Cinderella, one of Prince Charming and one of their castle.
This year we use foam pumpkins so we can keep them now. They were the same price as regular pumpkins.
Taylor really gets excited about "shaving" pumpkins. I love carving pumpkins one of my favorite things about Halloween.
That's all for now


I have been so bad keeping up with this blog I am going to try and catch up on a few major things over the last couple weeks. It has been very very quite here besides our trip to Regina and Halloween.
A couple weeks ago we went to Regina, we didn't leave Medicine Hat till Fabian was done work so which was about 4:30.
Before we left we went to Micheal's and picked out some new coloring books and new crayons and a box to put all the crayons in. I told the girls if I catch the crayons outside the box they get a time out for each crayon that is out of the box and for once we have not had a issue with crayons THANK GOODNESS.
We went and got some Wendy's and headed out. Taylor asked me about every 3 minutes when we'd get there wow that was a little tough to handle but she was so excited to see Grandma and Grandpa.
Finally got there around 10ish (I think) visited for an hour or so and headed to bed. Me, Fabian, Brooklynn, and Luke in one room and Grandma, Grandpa and the girls in another room (Grandma is brave to take on the girls).
Saturday morning we got up and had some breakfast and then Brooklynn and I took off to go Christmas shopping and Fabian and the girls went swimming in the hotel pool. I am not sure what they did after swimming I am sure they just hung out with grandma. When we got back we gave Luke all his birthday presents and then the girls played with them. Shortly after we head to Chuck E Cheese, sadly Eastynn fell asleep on the way there, and poor little Luke is to little to care about what is going on....Taylor on the other hand had a great time. Once we were done there we went back to the hotel and went swimming, Me, Taylor, Eastynn, Brooklynn and Luke. Brooklynn and Luke didn't stay long. I some how convinced Eastynn to go down the slide which is super fast. Then Taylor went down and that was it she was up and down the stairs for the rest of the night. We had to call Fabian back down to either hold Eastynn or catch Taylor which ever I wasn't doing at the time. Grandma really enjoyed watching her grandkids.
On Sunday we went for breakfast then I headed out to play darts. The rest of the family went for shopping and went for lunch. Then Fabian and the girls came to pick me up and we headed home after a great weekend with the Huber's.
That's all for now.

Monday, November 02, 2009


So last week the girls went to gymnastics. They went in there costumes since it was the week of Halloween. The girls so love there gymnastics.
Today at gymnastics Eastynn had her pictures, wow was that crazy she didn't like having her picture taken and the group picture that a mess like 10-15, 2-3 year olds trying to smile at the same time. Not gonna happen.
That's all for now.