Saturday, August 08, 2009

Taylor's Birthday

Sunday the day after the wedding was Taylor's birthday.
Early we gave her the present from mommy, daddy, and Eastynn. Which was some golf clubs. Her and all the boys played with them for a bit, I had some sponge balls for them to play with. All the boys were lefties though so it wasn't much fun for them, they played for about 20 minutes.
Later we went to the pool which was SO SO cold the water was nice but the wind was cold. We also sadly wrecked our waterproof camera I think the seal must have been broke or the door was loose.
After the pool we went to Calvin and Brooklynn's gift opening where Taylor got to open her present from Grandma and Papa Huber which was some clothes and a couple barbie movies. She then had some cake and handed out some cups filled with some gummy candies which everyone loved.
She had fun playing with the girls but again was eager to get back to play with the boys. Once she got back she actually didn't play with the boys she watched her movies with Eastynn and Presley. Taylor and Presley really enjoyed playing together as Presley is normally with all the boys. Nice break for the girls. We brought back enough candy for all the cousins too.
That's all for now

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