Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Swimming Lessons

The girls started there swimming lessons today. Eastynn was so excited but once she got in there she was not a happy girl. She cried a few different times. While we waited Taylor asked question after question I thought I was going insane.
She had the same teacher although her teacher is only filling in for someone so only a couple days. She again didn't listen all that well but I think she knows whats going on so gets a little bored. I try and try to tell her to listen but never works. Her competitive streak came out again today she feels the need when they have to go from one side to the other she ALWAYS has to win. I really don't know where she gets that from but I don't think its necessarily a bad thing and she love to swim so maybe in a few years she will have to be in competitive swimming.
That's all for now

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