Saturday, August 08, 2009

Last Day in Sask

On Monday we spent the morning packing up the trailer and just kind of hanging out.
Me, grandma, and the girls all headed back to the house. The girls played, I packed, and grandma made lunch for everyone. While the boys packed up the trailers and brought them back.
We got to visit with Brooklynn and Luke thank goodness the little man was feeling better by then. Uncle Cal was burnt out and laying on the couch occassionally throwing out a witty comment. It was nice Brooklynn got to spend some time with the girls too.
Daniel and Linda left a little while before us so they could go see Papa in the hospital before we got there, as we got to the hospital they were just leaving.
This time we didn't stay long at all. We downloaded some photos and looked at them on my computer and by the time we were done with that Papa had got his supper and Taylor was getting cranky so we went and got supper and made our way home and Taylor said it best when she said Home Sweet Home. We were all so happy to get home it was a fun but long week.
That's all for now

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