Monday, August 24, 2009

Chisholm Challenge Golfing

So slightly after the lake we all went golfing unfortunately there was a horse race in front of us so the playing started off a little slow.
But I think in the first group there was 2 teams which were
1. Jerimy
2. Zack
3. Rai-lyn
4. Chelsey

1. Fabian
2. Josh
3. Shane
4. Maddy

We never got pictures of them because by the time we thought to get pictures of every team they had headed out

Group 2
1. Sean
2. Mitch
3. Kirby
4. Pam

1. Logan
2. Darren
3. Chris
4. Nikki (me)

Group 3
1. Alex
2. Lindsay
3. Alex and Lindsay's friend
4. Alex and Lindsay's friend

1. Colin
2. Velvet
3. Cindy
4. Nolan

It was a good time everyone enjoyed themselves and played well
Jerimy, Chelsey, Rai-lyn and Zacks team came in first with -3
My team with Darren, Chris, and Logan came in second at -2
Not sure who came in third although I think I seen some paper rock scissors to determine 3rd.

It was fun but hopefully we can go earlier next year, so 4 of the 6 teams don't get stuck playing in the dark.

We did take the girls out golfing but we left at 4 and most of the other didn't show up till much later so by the time we were ready to go they were already bored and done so maybe next year.
That's all for now

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