Recently we have put a few things on facebook to sell and we have sold a few things which is nice to get a little bit of money back from our used things.
Yesterday we went back so school shopping so Taylor is all ready for kindergarten she starts school on Sept 8. she gets to go meet her teacher on Mon too. We also got the girls some new towels for swimming which Taylor got with her gift card from her birthday and also got the girls some new thermos' which is great sippy cups are a thing of the past, we are keeping 2 so they can have there water at bed time though.
This morning we went to the farmers market....WOW never been to one before. I was surprised at the amount of people there and all the different types of vendors. We got some nice apples, some jerky (yum yum) and some sausage and I got all the stuff for my favorite salad some peppers, red onion, tomatoes, and cucumber. Also bought some cinnamon buns and homemade bread from great auntie Alice. I love her cinnamon buns.
That's all for now
Saturday, August 29, 2009
Swimming Lessons are done for the summer

So the girls are all done swimming lessons for the summer.
Eastynn passed but all I think she had to do was be able to blow bubbles.
She wasn't a fan of actually of doing the floats with daddy. She did do them though. She did like the songs where daddy threw her in the air she really loved that.
Taylor she was again always in competition with the other kids, but this time she liked the little girl in her class and very often got in trouble for not listening and the one little guy in her class was not a good listener so her teacher didn't like her standing with either the little boy or the little girl. On Wednesday we got her half way report and her teacher came and told me she didn't think she could pass her cause she wasn't good enough at her glides and her distance swim. It made me angry cause she gave me the half way report 3/4 of the way through class and so we had one day to work with her. My mom, the girls and I went to the pool on Thursday and we worked for a long time on the things she needed to work on. Which really paid off she did pass. Her teacher said she really hadn't seen so much improvement before. So I was a really proud mom yesterday.
We plan on going swimming lots over the fall and will continue to work on the things they need to work on and hopefully next classes won't be to hard for them. Then I will put them each in a winter class and Taylor in one last preschool class before the summer when she starts her actual levels. The preschool class are amazingly difficult.
That's all for now
Monday, August 24, 2009
Chisholm Challenge Horseshoes
So Sunday afternoon we played a little horseshoes.
Taylor, Maddy, Logan and Pam played a game not sure who won...not sure they even kept score.
Second game was me and Maddy against Shane and Logan. Me and Maddy had the lead till Shane got a ringer and we just couldn't catch them after that.
We all left after that as Fabian was so tired and we want to start getting the girls to bed at 8 before school starts. So not to sure how the event ended up.
I am very happy to hear this maybe an annual event I am sure excited about next year. I heard we may get the girl guide camp so everyone is not spread all over Elkwater makes it a little hard for everyone. Can't wait anyway.
That's all for now
Chisholm Challenge Fishing

Again we missed the start of another challenge but on Sunday we went to the lake in hopes to go fishing we didn't go out on the boat but Tara took the girls fishing of the shore which is all they wanted maybe next year I will get a fishing license again and I can take the girls out again. They liked it enough to be occupied for a half hour.
I think this event went to Jerimy as well he caught the most fish 2 or 3 anyway.
That's all for now
Chisholm Challenge Golfing
So slightly after the lake we all went golfing unfortunately there was a horse race in front of us so the playing started off a little slow.
But I think in the first group there was 2 teams which were
1. Jerimy
2. Zack
3. Rai-lyn
4. Chelsey
1. Fabian
2. Josh
3. Shane
4. Maddy
We never got pictures of them because by the time we thought to get pictures of every team they had headed out
Group 2
1. Sean
2. Mitch
3. Kirby
4. Pam
1. Logan
2. Darren
3. Chris
4. Nikki (me)
Group 3
1. Alex
2. Lindsay
3. Alex and Lindsay's friend
4. Alex and Lindsay's friend
1. Colin
2. Velvet
3. Cindy
4. Nolan
It was a good time everyone enjoyed themselves and played well
Jerimy, Chelsey, Rai-lyn and Zacks team came in first with -3
My team with Darren, Chris, and Logan came in second at -2
Not sure who came in third although I think I seen some paper rock scissors to determine 3rd.
It was fun but hopefully we can go earlier next year, so 4 of the 6 teams don't get stuck playing in the dark.
We did take the girls out golfing but we left at 4 and most of the other didn't show up till much later so by the time we were ready to go they were already bored and done so maybe next year.
That's all for now
Chisholm Challenge Down At The Lake
So Saturday we all went down to the lake and there was 2 Chisholm boats on the water. Jerimy's and Shane's the had been doing some wake boarding, skiing, and wake surfing I think and a little bit of tubing. Me and the girls went and watched Zack, Nolan, and Sean tubing it was probably one of the coolest wipeouts I had ever seen. Zack hit the water, Nolan flew over Zack and he hit the water and Sean got the most air and flew over Zack and Nolan and hit the water he had to have been in the air for a good few seconds anyway. Eastynn must have been pooped out cause she fell asleep on the boat. I broke my shoe trying to get on the boat. I sunk right into the clay and my shoe got caught I could feel it starting rip so I bent down and couldn't get it out at all so gave it one good yank and it ripped. So sad I loved them.
The girls played on the beach for a long long time before we went out on the boat they loved building sandcastles. Calling Maddy (the called her Abby for most of the day) to help them everytime the filled a bucket with sand. Next year hopefully we can get some better sand castle tools and make it an event in the Chisholm Challenge.
That's all for now
Sunday, August 23, 2009
Caming With The Collins' (and friends)

On Friday evening we went out to Elkwater to meet up with our friends Scott, Shauna, and their boys Jacob and Nathan. There were a few other Scott's sister Cassie. Matt and Barry as well. There were 4 dogs besides pebbles which the girls loved Molson and Moose which are 2 lab/shepard cross Herb a little weiner dog and Scott and Shauna's dog Teddy. All the dogs got along really well although I don't think Pebbles so much liked all the attention from the other dogs she just wanted to stay in the tent.
The girls had a blast playing with the boys and they all played really well together all weekend I don't think I heard anyone of them complain about any other one.
On Saturday morning we heard from Taylor about every 10 minutes can we go fishing. Scotty told her when the sun moved to above a tree then they could go. She said don't be silly the sun doesn't move unless your in the car. To funny.
Eastynn was very content playing with Taylor's Polly Pocket cars all weekend (I sure hope we didn't loose any Polly's). Eastynn really took a liking to Scotty apparently the only person she would go to while we were out golfing. She also went to bed very early on Saturday.
On Sunday there was also and addition of 4 more adult campers and 3 more little girls from ages 1-9. The oldest girl was so great with all the kids she kept the busy all day long and I think pooped them out. She took very good care of them as well.
Sunday we got up and visited a little let the kids play and packed up and left the campsite by 11am.
All and all it was a great weekend with the Collins for the little time we spent with him with the Chisholm Challenge being the same weekend.
That's all for now
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Swimming Day 2
For Eastynn today was much better at swimming till she seen her sister playing on the deck, then she was done. She did great though blew bubbles when she was suppose to, jumping in the water, even going under the water.
Taylor on the other hand was.....Taylor. She didn't listen to me when I told her to sit and watch her sister because her playing was upsetting Eastynn. Her teacher had to tell her once again to listen every I don't know 3-5 minutes (if that). Her teacher even told her she would have to sit out if she didn't start to listen I keep trying to explain the importance of listening but she doesn't listen to me either. I am getting very frustrated, hopefully tomorrow will be better.
That's all for now
Taylor on the other hand was.....Taylor. She didn't listen to me when I told her to sit and watch her sister because her playing was upsetting Eastynn. Her teacher had to tell her once again to listen every I don't know 3-5 minutes (if that). Her teacher even told her she would have to sit out if she didn't start to listen I keep trying to explain the importance of listening but she doesn't listen to me either. I am getting very frustrated, hopefully tomorrow will be better.
That's all for now
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Swimming Lessons
The girls started there swimming lessons today. Eastynn was so excited but once she got in there she was not a happy girl. She cried a few different times. While we waited Taylor asked question after question I thought I was going insane.
She had the same teacher although her teacher is only filling in for someone so only a couple days. She again didn't listen all that well but I think she knows whats going on so gets a little bored. I try and try to tell her to listen but never works. Her competitive streak came out again today she feels the need when they have to go from one side to the other she ALWAYS has to win. I really don't know where she gets that from but I don't think its necessarily a bad thing and she love to swim so maybe in a few years she will have to be in competitive swimming.
That's all for now
She had the same teacher although her teacher is only filling in for someone so only a couple days. She again didn't listen all that well but I think she knows whats going on so gets a little bored. I try and try to tell her to listen but never works. Her competitive streak came out again today she feels the need when they have to go from one side to the other she ALWAYS has to win. I really don't know where she gets that from but I don't think its necessarily a bad thing and she love to swim so maybe in a few years she will have to be in competitive swimming.
That's all for now
Monday, August 17, 2009
Taylor's Swimming Lessons All Done :(
Taylor's swimming is all done once again.
She passed her swimming lessons with flying colors the only thing she didn't like doing was going down the slide at the end of class and no biggie cause thats not even part of the class. So she did very very well and passed as a salamander and tomorrow she starts as a sunfish. Eastynn is going to be in swimming as well starting tomorrow she still needs a parent though so hopefully Fabian will go in with her as those 2 never have one on one time together so it will be nice for them to bond a little.
That's all for now
She passed her swimming lessons with flying colors the only thing she didn't like doing was going down the slide at the end of class and no biggie cause thats not even part of the class. So she did very very well and passed as a salamander and tomorrow she starts as a sunfish. Eastynn is going to be in swimming as well starting tomorrow she still needs a parent though so hopefully Fabian will go in with her as those 2 never have one on one time together so it will be nice for them to bond a little.
That's all for now
Sunday, August 09, 2009
Taylor's Birthday Party
Today we had Taylor's birthday. What a long day. Got up cleaned up a little. Fabian and Eastynn went and got groceries while Taylor and I went to get the goodie bags and pick up the cake. We had hot dogs for supper and then some of the guests started arriving, thank goodness I was so tired of hearing when is my birthday party going to start over and over and over.
First the kids played in the pool it was a little overwhelming for me and some of the other kids they were very very loud. So we set up the blow up jumper in the front yard and the kids played on that for awhile a few fights with that though and one little injury.
Then we had the cake and opened presents Taylor got so many nice gift for the few people that were here that she will get lots of use out of.
That's all for now
Saturday, August 08, 2009
Picinic with Grandma
Today after swimming lessons Grandma said she was going to take me and the girls for a picnic. We went and got some lunch and headed to the park lunch didn't last to long with a park right there not to mention the bees.
The girls played on the park and then we all played a little hopscotch. It was pretty fun.
That's all for now.
Taylor's Swimming Lessons
Tuesday Taylor started swimming lessons she is a salamander. She is doing so fantastic I think she has really excelled since her last classes. I think she should pass no problem her teacher really helps the other kids where as with Taylor she doesn't assist her near as much.
Poor little Eastynn has been pretty sick the last couple days she sounds like she has got something similar to what Luke had last week. Her chest is really raspy today she was sleeping and Taylor said she sounded like a tiger. But the medicine we have been giving her pretty much knocks her out but she is thankfully getting a lot of rest and both girls are almost back to bed at 8 again
That's all for now
Last Day in Sask
On Monday we spent the morning packing up the trailer and just kind of hanging out.
Me, grandma, and the girls all headed back to the house. The girls played, I packed, and grandma made lunch for everyone. While the boys packed up the trailers and brought them back.
We got to visit with Brooklynn and Luke thank goodness the little man was feeling better by then. Uncle Cal was burnt out and laying on the couch occassionally throwing out a witty comment. It was nice Brooklynn got to spend some time with the girls too.
Daniel and Linda left a little while before us so they could go see Papa in the hospital before we got there, as we got to the hospital they were just leaving.
This time we didn't stay long at all. We downloaded some photos and looked at them on my computer and by the time we were done with that Papa had got his supper and Taylor was getting cranky so we went and got supper and made our way home and Taylor said it best when she said Home Sweet Home. We were all so happy to get home it was a fun but long week.
That's all for now
Me, grandma, and the girls all headed back to the house. The girls played, I packed, and grandma made lunch for everyone. While the boys packed up the trailers and brought them back.
We got to visit with Brooklynn and Luke thank goodness the little man was feeling better by then. Uncle Cal was burnt out and laying on the couch occassionally throwing out a witty comment. It was nice Brooklynn got to spend some time with the girls too.
Daniel and Linda left a little while before us so they could go see Papa in the hospital before we got there, as we got to the hospital they were just leaving.
This time we didn't stay long at all. We downloaded some photos and looked at them on my computer and by the time we were done with that Papa had got his supper and Taylor was getting cranky so we went and got supper and made our way home and Taylor said it best when she said Home Sweet Home. We were all so happy to get home it was a fun but long week.
That's all for now
Taylor's Birthday
Sunday the day after the wedding was Taylor's birthday.
Early we gave her the present from mommy, daddy, and Eastynn. Which was some golf clubs. Her and all the boys played with them for a bit, I had some sponge balls for them to play with. All the boys were lefties though so it wasn't much fun for them, they played for about 20 minutes.
Later we went to the pool which was SO SO cold the water was nice but the wind was cold. We also sadly wrecked our waterproof camera I think the seal must have been broke or the door was loose.
After the pool we went to Calvin and Brooklynn's gift opening where Taylor got to open her present from Grandma and Papa Huber which was some clothes and a couple barbie movies. She then had some cake and handed out some cups filled with some gummy candies which everyone loved.
She had fun playing with the girls but again was eager to get back to play with the boys. Once she got back she actually didn't play with the boys she watched her movies with Eastynn and Presley. Taylor and Presley really enjoyed playing together as Presley is normally with all the boys. Nice break for the girls. We brought back enough candy for all the cousins too.
That's all for now
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